IB Music

This course is repeated in a two-year sequence to fulfill IB requirements and immerses students in the time period/culture of music being studied through performing, composing, imitation, writing, and listening to the music of that unit. Students will research and prepare a written creative piece comparing two genres of music from two different cultures as the internal assessment project for the IB. This course of study is designed to promote a greater awareness and understanding of music through variety of musical experiences. Students will be exposed to a broad spectrum of music ranging from that of Western traditions to world regions and cultures. Components of this course include theoretical study, development of listening and aural skills, score analysis, individual student composition and performance.


This course is a continued study of IB Music 1 and designed to promote a greater awareness and understanding of music through variety of musical experiences. Students will be exposed to a broad spectrum of music ranging from that of Western traditions to world regions and cultures. Components of this course include theoretical study, development
of listening and aural skills, score analysis, individual student composition and performance


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